ANDROMIMETICS LLC. has been delivering results since we opened in 2016. Our goal is to provide both a superior customer experience and tremendous value for our customers.

THE PRESIDENT OF ANDROMIMETICS LLC. has over 10 years of experience in THE FITNESS INDUSTRY and is passionate about exceeding your expectations.

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What we offer

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators

SARMs are a novel class of androgen receptor ligands. (The name follows the terminology currently used for similar molecules targeting the estrogen receptor, “selective estrogen receptor modulators,” such as tamoxifen.) They are intended to have the same kind of effects as androgenic drugs like anabolic steroids but be much more selective in their action, allowing them to be used for many more clinical indications than the relatively limited legitimate uses that anabolic steroids are currently approved for. selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) an agent that activates some estrogen receptors but not others, thereby having estrogen like effects on target tissues (such as bone) without affecting other tissues that have estrogen receptors. PPAR agonists are drugs which act upon the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor. They are used for the treatment of symptoms of the metabolic syndrome, mainly for lowering triglycerides and blood sugar. Typical stimulants for fat/loss and preworkout uses.

The term SARMS stands for “Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators.” Let’s break this phrase down piece by piece. First, Androgens:
Androgens are a class of hormones that serve as ligands that bind to cellular androgen receptors. The androgen receptor is involved in a complex signal transduction pathway that ultimately results in greater expression of specific genes. In simple terms, androgens help you build muscle.
All anabolic steroids and prohormones offer their muscle building properties through this binding to the androgen receptor.
Second, Selective Modulators:
A drug that can either block or stimulate the same nuclear hormone receptor under different conditions is called a selective receptor modulator. If it can block or stimulate a receptor in a tissue selective manner, it may be able to mimic the beneficial effects in one tissue and, at the same time, minimize the unwanted effects of the natural or synthetic steroidal hormones in other tissues. In layman terms, it can selectively grow muscles without the side effects.

SARMS offer the benefits of traditional Anabolic Androgenic Steroids such as testosterone (including increased muscle mass, fat loss, and bone density), all the while, giving the user no unwanted side effects that come with steroids.
SARMS are not new, they have been around for over 10 years. However, they are a unique class of compounds currently undergoing investigation and development from a number of pharmaceutical companies.
SARMS vs. Steroids
Steroids have typically been prescribed in medicine for two distinct reasons:
Muscle wasting diseases ranging from cancer to osteoporosis
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
The problems with anabolic steroids or testosterone replacement therapy arise from their undesirable side effects. Steroids target all cells, good and bad. They’ll grow your muscles, which will include your heart muscle, and they will hurt your prostate. Steroids can also make you lose your hair, and have small balls.
On the other hand, SARMS are completely different. They are able to stimulate receptors in a tissue selective manner, (in our case, selective to bone and muscle). It is possible to mimic the beneficial effects of androgen activation in muscles (grow muscles), and, at the same time, minimize the unwanted effects of the natural or synthetic steroidal hormones in other tissues. In simple terms, grow big muscles and lose fat without the side effects of steroids.
It is this unique trait that makes these receptor modulators able to selectively cause muscle growth, while reducing or eliminating unwanted secondary side effects.
Hence, pharmaceutical companies are currently looking to SARMS as an alternative to prescribed steroids.

Why are SARMS beneficial?
As stated previously, the problems with anabolic steroids are due to the harsh and nasty side effects that they have.
These are just some of the steroid side effects:
Potential stimulation of prostate cancer
Male pattern baldness
Body hair growth
Gynecomastia (male breast development)
High blood pressure
Liver toxicity
Cholesterol imbalance
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (Heart growth)
Shutdown of your own Testosterone production
The above side effects are because anabolic steroids stimulate all receptors, they don’t pick and choose where to give you results or where to give you problems. On the other hand, SARMS stimulate the androgen receptor in only muscle tissue and bone. As a result, this can prevent most if not all of the harsh side effects of steroids.
SARMS offer the potential for harnessing the benefits of steroid use whilst minimizing the undesirable side effects. They also have the potential advantages of oral dosing, which testosterone and all injectable steroids do not.
SARMS for Bodybuilders?
For the bodybuilder, gym user, fitness enthusiast, and athlete SARMS can be used either in conjunction with or as a replacement for traditional anabolics. Here are just some of the wonderful things SARMS can do for you:
Increase Lean muscle growth
Prevent muscle loss during cutting/weight loss
Boost Injury rehabilitation
Decrease Post-training recovery times
Help recover after cycle by adding to PCT
Increase fat loss
Increase endurance
Decrease fatigue
SARMS benefits when compared to steroids:
Oral (no injections needed)
Similar positive effects to testosterone (libido, strength gains, fat loss etc…)
No conversion to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
No conversion to Estrogen
No harsh liver toxicity from methylated compounds
Does not inhibit your HPTA to the large extent of steroids (no large reduction in LH or FSH)
Undetectable (select SARMS), as of 2016 – 90% of SARMS are detectable by WADA

SARMS of interest
As previously mentioned, the 3 SARMs of most interest to users should Ostabolic (Ostarine/MK-2866) , Anabolicum (LGD) and Andarine (S-4). These are both commercially available in liquid suspension as research chemicals.
They have both undergone clinical testing by GTx and also have many cases of positive feedback by gym goers from forums and message boards across the internet.
However, my favorite SARMS are Cardarine (GW) and Nutrobal (MK677). Cardarine is an amazing fat loss aid and nutrobal is like oral HGH in a bottle. They work amazingly when stacked! My third favorite SARM is a stack of stenabolic (SR9009) and testolone (RAD140).
Utilizing SARMS
There are several possible ways to utilize SARMS. I am a firm believer that the most effective and efficient use of SARMS is in a stand-alone SARMS cycle. For example, the triple-stack with Ostabolic, Cardarine, and Andarine.
Another good use of SARMS is as a bridge in between steroid cycles. Using them in this manner allows a user to have a much easier time keeping and/or adding to gains made on previous cycles. SARMS make you feel great and take your mind away from the feeling you have when coming “off”. Many users report feeling even better on SARMS than they do on a normal steroid cycle. The “bridge” is their most effective use.
SARMS Cycles
The typical user looking for lean mass gains would be suited to using Ostabolic for 8-12 weeks at a dose of about 25mg per day, stacked with Andarine 25mgs ED and Testolone 10mgs/ED. This will typically produce 6-12lbs or 3-6kg keepable gains in lean mass. SARMS are not best utilized in this manner, but it is possible to put on a very clean and keepable amount of size.
Sample SARMS Bulking Cycle:
Week 1-12
Andarine (S4) 25mgs/ED
Ostabolic (ostarine) 25mgs/ED
Testolone (RAD) 10mgs/ED
The typical user looking to cut body fat while retaining lean mass gains would be suited to using S4 for 8-12 weeks at a dose of 25mgs, stacked with Cardarine 20mgs/ed and Steanbolic 20mgs/ed. This will produce excellent cutting effects.
USER WARNING: Since S-4 shows a greater binding affinity to the receptor in the eye, keep the dose 25-50mgs range and don’t go higher. Always start slow at 25mgs per day for at least 4 weeks.
Andarine demonstrates fat burning effects in addition to maintenance of muscle mass. S-4 also shows a decrease in LPL (lipoprotein lipase) which is an enzyme that causes lipid accumulation. Stacking Andarine and Cardarine+Stenabolic provides the best SARMS cutting cycle.
Sample SARMS Cutting Cycle:
Week 1-12
Andarine (S4) 25mgs/ED
Cardarine (GW) 20mgs/ED
Stenabolic (SR) 20mgs/ED
Andarine (S4) is also similar to many of the DHT derived steroids in that effect of strength gains rise at a higher proportion than mass gains. So if you’re looking to experience and increase in strength without a large in increase in weight, S4 again used for 8-12 weeks at doses of 25-50ms stacked with Anabolicum (LGD) will produce excellent results. Once again, the triple stack will provide the best results.
Sample SARMS Strength Cycle:
Week 1-12
Andarine (S4) 25mgs/ED
Anabolicum (LGD) 10mgs/ED
Cardarine (GW) 20mgs/ED
The recomping effect of losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time is what the majority of users are looking for.
Ostabolic (Ostarine mk2866) with its anabolic and nutrient partitioning effects is ideal for such a goal and a dosing protocol of 12.5-25mg for 8-12 weeks will give excellent recomp effects. Stacking with Andarine S-4 as well as Cardarine GW will be excellent for a recomp as well. The beauty of SARMS is they are multifaceted in their use. Your diet and training will dictate the results, but there are many options that are possible with them.
Sample SARMS Recomp Cycle:
Week 1-12

MK2866 (Ostarine) 25mgs/ED
Ligandrol (LGD 4033) 10mgs/ED
Cardarine (GW501516) 20mgs/ED
Stenabolic (SR9009) 10mgs/ED
Andarine (S4) 25mgs/ED
Although many believe SARMS are still at an early stage of development, nothing could be further from the truth. SARMS have been around in our bodybuilding industry for over 10 years. The potential for SARMS is very high, evident by the number of pharmaceutical firms currently developing different these drugs.
Summary of SARMS benefits
HPTA suppression is non-existent to minimal.
High oral bioavailabilty without significant damage to your liver compared with oral steroids/prohormones.
Anabolic even at low doses
Great for strength
Great for lean mass gains
Great for body recomposition
Great for endurance (aerobic or anaerobic)
Joint healing abilities